
Simple urine test for motor neurone disease

A researcher at Flinders University has developed a simple urine test that gives a quantitative measure of the severity of motor neurone disease.


Research to delay motor neuron loss

University of Queensland researchers have identified a potential treatment to delay motor neuron loss and symptoms in the inevitably fatal motor neuron disease (MND).


New genetic clues into motor neuron disease

Researchers at The University of Queensland have contributed to the discovery of three new genes which increase the risk of motor neuron disease (MND), opening the door for targeted treatments.

Medical research

Slaying motor neurone disease death signals

Motor neurone disease may still be considered a certain and unpleasant death sentence, but researchers at The University of Queensland are testing a promising treatment option.


TAxI shuttles protein cargo into spinal cord

A small peptide dubbed TAxI is living up to its name. Recent studies show it to be an effective vehicle for shuttling functional proteins, such as active enzymes, into the spinal cord after a muscle injection.

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