Oncology & Cancer

A mobile app and AI software to speed up skin-cancer diagnoses

When skin cancer is detected early, there is a good chance of recovery. Fraunhofer researchers have developed a digital solution to significantly speed-up diagnosis. A mobile application assists in recording skin lesions ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers discover how lactic acid weakens anti-tumor defenses

In cancer research, it has long been known that lactic acid, or lactate, is produced in large quantities by cancer cells and that this lactic acid disrupts our defense against tumors. Until now, however, we did not know exactly ...

Oncology & Cancer

Research suggests possibility of vaccine to prevent skin cancer

Research by the Oregon State University College of Pharmacy suggests that a vaccine stimulating production of a protein critical to the skin's antioxidant network could help people bolster their defenses against skin cancer.

Oncology & Cancer

New device to diagnose skin cancer

In the United States alone, about 3.3 million people are diagnosed with basal and squamous cell cancers (skin cancers) per year. Skin cancer is still detected using visual examination, a method of limited reliability for ...

Medical research

The prostate cancer cell that got away

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) Associate Professor Pavel Osten and Professor Lloyd Trotman have developed a new way to study the life history of prostate cancer in mice. The pair combined their expertise in whole-organ ...

Oncology & Cancer

Prostate cancer risks in African American men

Prostate cancer, the second-most common cancer in men behind skin cancer with nearly a quarter of a million cases in the U.S. diagnosed annually, plays favorites.

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