Sleep disorders

Night sweats reveal the severity of sleep apnea

In Greek, apnea (ἄπνοια) denotes the "absence of breathing." Hence, obstructive sleep apnea is a disease defined by interruptions in breathing, which recurs while the person suffering from it is asleep. A feeling of ...


Breathing patterns during sleep found to impact memory processes

How are memories consolidated during sleep? In 2021, researchers led by Dr. Thomas Schreiner, leader of the Emmy Noether junior research group at LMU's Department of Psychology, had already shown there was a direct relationship ...

Medical research

New treatment for severe short stature shows promise

Teresa Quattrin, MD, University at Buffalo Distinguished Professor of pediatrics, is a co-author on a new global study that suggests a novel treatment option for children with achondroplasia—a form of severe short stature.

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