
Insomnia may be an early risk factor for irregular heart rhythm

Younger adults diagnosed with insomnia were more likely to develop a type of irregular heartbeat—and to do so earlier—than those without a history of insomnia, according to a large study of military veterans. The findings ...

Sleep disorders

CPAP helps cut heart risks—but you have to actually use it

For sufferers of sleep apnea, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines may guard against having a second heart attack, stroke or other cardiovascular crisis, but they have to use it consistently, a new study finds.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Study finds disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on American Indians

A study of COVID-19 patients at a New Mexico hospital finds that the virus hit American Indian patients particularly hard—even though Native American patients had fewer other illnesses or conditions than non-native patients. ...

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