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Sleep disorders news

Sleep disorders

Researcher advocates for sleep education as personal and professional development for social work students

As a mental health professional, Christine Spadola has seen the power of sleep firsthand.


Positive airway pressure use tied to lower cardiovascular events

Positive airway pressure (PAP) utilization is associated with lower all-cause mortality and major adverse cardiovascular event (MACE) incidence in older adults with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), according to a study published ...


Can having a stroke change your sleep?

People who have had a stroke may be more likely to sleep too much or too little compared to those without prior stroke, according to a study published in the September 11, 2024, online issue of Neurology. The study does not ...


Study finds brain waves can be manipulated during REM sleep

Brain waves can be manipulated while in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, a sleep stage associated with memory and cognition, a new study from the University of Surrey finds. Novel technology, using sound stimulation, allows ...


No-sleep challenge: The dangers of sleep deprivation

Most of us will be all too familiar with that dopey, groggy feeling of being tired after a restless night. Some social media users have taken tiredness to the extreme, however, by taking part in what they call a "no-sleep ...

Sleep disorders

Waking up to the hidden struggles of inflammatory bowel diseases

Helping people with inflammatory bowel diseases to get a better night's sleep could help keep the condition at bay and improve their quality of life, say Flinders University and Flinders Medical Center researchers, as they ...

Overweight & Obesity

Good sleep habits important for overweight adults, study suggests

New research from Oregon Health & Science University reveals negative health consequences for people who are overweight and ignore their body's signals to sleep at night, with specific differences between men and women.


Dream discovery: Melatonin's key role in REM sleep revealed

A significant breakthrough in the understanding of sleep mechanism opens new promise for treating sleep disorders and associated neuropsychiatric conditions: Scientists have pinpointed the melatonin receptor MT1 as a crucial ...