Parkinson's & Movement disorders

New findings challenge current view on origins of Parkinson's disease

The neurodegeneration that occurs in Parkinson's disease is a result of stress on the endoplasmic reticulum in the cell rather than failure of the mitochondria as previously thought, according to a study in fruit flies. It ...

Medical research

Oxidative stress is an aggravating factor in Lafora rare disease

Neurodegenerative Lafora disease usually becomes apparent through seizures during adolescence and puberty and occurs as a consequence of defects in glycogen metabolism and in the cellular mechanisms that are responsible for ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Is predisposition for depression acquired in the womb?

Can a person actually be born with a predisposition to depression? The Austrian Science Fund FWF is currently supporting a new project to investigate this challenging question. Specifically, a research team led by Prof. Daniela ...


Genes that cause pancreatic cancer identified by new tool

A technique that can identify causes of cancer invisible to genetic sequencing has uncovered large sets of previously unknown pancreatic cancer genes. It is hoped that this study will boost research into a disease that is ...

Inflammatory disorders

New diagnostic test to distinguish psoriasis from eczema

In some patients, the chronic inflammatory skin diseases psoriasis and eczema are similar in appearance. Up to now, dermatologists have therefore had to base their decision on which treatment should be selected on their own ...

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