Medical research

How diabetes drugs may work against cancer

(Medical Xpress)—For several years, a class of anti-diabetic drugs known as biguanides, has been associated with anti-cancer properties. A number of retrospective studies have shown that the widely used diabetes drug metformin ...

Medical research

New study challenges our understanding of premature ageing

Disturbances in the function of mitochondrial DNA can accelerate the ageing process in ways that are different than previously thought, according to a new Finnish study published in Nature Metabolism. Offering a new perspective ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Maternal obesity can affect fetal development

Most people think that as the fetus grows in the womb, the mother will be the most important factor influencing the child's future health, and this factor will undoubtedly prevail over all other possible ones. This belief ...

Medical research

A proposed link between aging, autism, and oxidation

Like any factory, the body burns oxygen to get energy for its various needs. As a result, detrimental byproducts are released and our cells try to clean up shop with antioxidants. But as we age, this process becomes a losing battle.

Medical research

Mitochondrial mutations and disease

Mitochondria are cellular organelles with their own DNA. Their role in power generation makes them susceptible to oxidative damage, including the formation of DNA-damaging chemical complexes called adducts.

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