Oncology & Cancer

Switching sides: The betrayal of an anti-cancer gene

It doesn't often happen that army generals switch sides in the middle of a war, but when cancer's attack is underway, it may even cause a gene that acts as the body's master defender to change allegiance. As reported recently ...


Genome-editing tool could increase cancer risk

Therapeutic use of gene editing with the CRISPR-Cas9 technique may inadvertently increase the risk of cancer, according to a new study from Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, and the University of Helsinki, Finland, published ...

Oncology & Cancer

Key cancer-fighting gene's secret weapons revealed

The findings revealed that a special group of genes that function within the body's normal DNA repair process were vital to the effectiveness of p53. This new information could help doctors to better identify patients with ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study uncovers mutation that supercharges tumor-suppressor

Cancer researchers have long hailed p53, a tumor-suppressor protein, for its ability to keep unruly cells from forming tumors. But for such a highly studied protein, p53 has hidden its tactics well.

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