Obstetrics & gynaecology

Discovering a mysterious estrogen's important role in pregnancy

When a woman becomes pregnant, her levels of estriol, one of the three common estrogens that are nearly undetectable before conception, skyrocket. However, scientists never knew what this hormone does or why levels of it ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sleep deprivation increases serotonin 2a receptor response in brain

The serotonin 2A (5-HT2A) receptor is widely distributed in the brain and plays a critical role in perception, cognition and psychosis. It is also responsible for the psychedelic effects of drugs, such as psilocybin (hallucinogenic ...


Research reveals how estrogen regulates gene expression

Estrogen hormones regulate gene expression. They achieve this by first binding to estrogen receptor in the cell nucleus, which triggers the recruitment of different molecules called coactivators in specific order. In a study ...


Immunology meets single-cell sequencing

Research from the Single-Cell Genomics Centre on the Wellcome Genome Campus could change the way we look at gene expression and immune response. Published in Nature Methods, the new method, TraCeR, provides a powerful tool ...


Researchers find sleep gene linked to heart failure

Researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have identified a gene that, when working properly, appears to reduce the risk of heart failure and improve treatment outcomes, highlighting a possible target for ...

Oncology & Cancer

Targeting aggressive prostate cancer

A team of researchers from UC Davis, UC San Diego and other institutions has identified a key mechanism behind aggressive prostate cancer. Published on August 14, 2013 in Nature, the study shows that two long non-coding RNAs ...

Medical research

New flu drug stops virus in its tracks

A new class of influenza drug has been shown effective against drug-resistant strains of the flu virus, according to a study led by University of British Columbia researchers.

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