
Researchers discover a new mechanism of epilepsy

In epilepsy, nerve cells lose their usual rhythm, and ion channels, which have a decisive influence on their excitability, are involved. A team of researchers under the direction of the University of Bonn has now discovered ...


Scientists discover what controls waking up and going to sleep

Fifteen years ago, an odd mutant fruit fly caught the attention and curiosity of Dr. Ravi Allada, a circadian rhythms expert at Northwestern University, leading the neuroscientist to recently discover how an animal's biological ...

Medical research

Cancer fighter can help battle pneumonia

The tip of an immune molecule known for its skill at fighting cancer may also help patients survive pneumonia, scientists report.

Medical research

One molecule to block both pain and itch

Duke University researchers have found an antibody that simultaneously blocks the sensations of pain and itching in studies with mice.

Oncology & Cancer

Breast cancer replicates brain development process

New research led by a scientist at the University of York reveals that a process that forms a key element in the development of the nervous system may also play a pivotal role in the spread of breast cancer.

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