
Food addiction: How processed food makes you eat more

Most people have the strong desire for a normal weight but in many developed countries such as Australia, only a minority are able to achieve it. Research we recently published provides an insight into why.

Oncology & Cancer

For cancer survivors, diet distresses while exercise inspires

While some cancer survivors feel distressed about diet and body weight, exercise helps them feel they are taking back control of their health, Cornell researchers report in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior ...


Factors affecting weight loss after abdominoplasty identified

(HealthDay)—For patients undergoing abdominoplasty, weight loss is associated with having a preoperative body mass index ≥24.5 kg/m² and is attributed to increased satiety in most patients, according to a study published ...

Overweight & Obesity

Research proves low fat diet is key to a slimmer figure

Findings published today in the British Medical Journal show that exchanging fatty foods for lower fat alternatives will help people shift around three-and-a-half pounds - without dieting. People taking part in trials also ...


Large breasts can take mental, physical toll on teens

(HealthDay) -- For many teen girls, an overly large cup size may not be such a good thing, with many reporting serious discomfort both physically and emotionally because of their large breasts.


We are drinking too much water: expert

Our bodies need about two litres of fluids per day, not two litres of water specifically. In an Editorial in the June issue of Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, Spero Tsindos from La Trobe University, examined ...


Words from a formerly fat physician

For obese patients, losing weight may require a different solution than calorie reduction and exercise, writes a formerly obese physician in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal).

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