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Addiction news


Inpatient addiction services help continue lifesaving medication for opioid use disorder treatment after discharge

Previous research has found that over 80% of people with opioid-use disorder (OUD) do not receive evidence-based lifesaving medications. While access to these medications is better in New York City than elsewhere in the United ...


Supervised inhalation is a necessary intervention in the drug poisoning crisis

All safe consumption sites should receive government funding for supervised inhalation. This way, the growing number of people who inhale substances will be closer to the help they need in case of drug poisoning. They'll ...


New analgesic could replace opioids over the long term

Opioids have long been known as natural substances with substantial pharmacological effects and have been used as effective painkillers. A very prominent example is morphine, which was first isolated and synthesized in the ...


Research examines the role of genetics in opioid use disorder

New research out of the University of Cincinnati examines the association between genetics and the presence of opioid use disorder (OUD). The study identified six single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) or genetic variants ...


US adult cigarette smoking rate hits new all-time low

U.S. cigarette smoking dropped to another all-time low last year, with 1 in 9 adults saying they were current smokers, according to government survey data released Thursday. Meanwhile, electronic cigarette use rose, to about ...


More sanctions for deadly fentanyl if bill becomes law

Over the past year, the U.S. Treasury Department has used its sanctions powers to impose wide-ranging financial penalties on Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine—turning Russia into the most sanctioned country ...


How alcohol consumption contributes to chronic pain

Chronic alcohol consumption may make people more sensitive to pain through two different molecular mechanisms—one driven by alcohol intake and one by alcohol withdrawal. That is one new conclusion by scientists at Scripps ...

Medical research

Therapeutic can seek and destroy potent opioid to treat overdoses

A new therapeutic designed by Scripps Research chemists can alter the molecular structure of the potent opioid carfentanil, inactivating the opioid and reversing a carfentanil overdose. The compound, which is described in ...