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Addiction news


Inpatient addiction services help continue lifesaving medication for opioid use disorder treatment after discharge

Previous research has found that over 80% of people with opioid-use disorder (OUD) do not receive evidence-based lifesaving medications. While access to these medications is better in New York City than elsewhere in the United ...


Supervised inhalation is a necessary intervention in the drug poisoning crisis

All safe consumption sites should receive government funding for supervised inhalation. This way, the growing number of people who inhale substances will be closer to the help they need in case of drug poisoning. They'll ...


New analgesic could replace opioids over the long term

Opioids have long been known as natural substances with substantial pharmacological effects and have been used as effective painkillers. A very prominent example is morphine, which was first isolated and synthesized in the ...


Legal cannabis markets linked to increased motor vehicle deaths

A new study from the University of Illinois Chicago has used death certificate data to compare mortality rates in states that legalized recreational cannabis dispensaries with states that only provided access to medical cannabis. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Can cannabis use disorder be accurately diagnosed?

Cannabis use disorder is defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as a problematic pattern leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, with symptoms that may include increased tolerance, ...


Switzerland tries slow-mo cannabis revolution

Switzerland, which pioneered prescription heroin and safe injection sites decades ago, is now experimenting with decriminalizing recreational cannabis, with the drug now available in some Basel pharmacies.

Psychology & Psychiatry

When gambling becomes an addiction

Gambling can be a harmless hobby or a serious addiction. While gambling addicts are at risk of losing everything, the uncontrollable urge to continue keeps them going, often leading to compulsion. A Baylor College of Medicine ...


Improving quality of life for older adults with alcohol problems

Substance use problems, particularly alcohol problems, are "invisible epidemic" among older adults. In his thesis "Alcohol and aging: a multimethod study on heterogeneity and multidimensionality," Wossenseged Birhane Jemberie, ...


How bad is vaping and should it be banned?

Vaping regularly makes headlines, with some campaigning to make e-cigarettes more available to help smokers quit, while others are keen to see vaping products banned, citing dangers, especially for teens.