Archive: 27/03/2012
New gene therapy approach developed for red blood cell disorders
A team of researchers led by scientists at Weill Cornell Medical College has designed what appears to be a powerful gene therapy strategy that can treat both beta-thalassemia disease and sickle cell anemia. They have also ...
Mar 27, 2012
Early temporary treatment for HIV can delay the time to long-term treatment
A study in this week's PLoS Medicine suggests that when people are first infected with HIV (primary HIV infection), temporary treatment with antiretroviral drugs (cART) for 24 weeks can delay the need to restart treatment ...
Mar 27, 2012
Research on cash payments to promote health: Ethical concerns may be misplaced
It is fairly common for clinical research participants to receive payment for expenses such as travel and parking. What has raised ethical questions are payments or incentives given to encourage people to participate in research ...
Mar 27, 2012
Mode of childbirth following cesarean section: Informing women's decision-making
In this week's PLoS Medicine, the PLoS Medicine editors discuss new research studies on the risks associated with mode of childbirth following caesarean section.
Mar 27, 2012
Invasive treatment strategy may increase survival for patients with certain neuromuscular disorder
Patients with a cardiac irregularity and myotonic dystrophy type 1 (a severe neuromuscular disorder with a high risk of sudden death) who received an invasive treatment strategy that included testing of their heart's electrical ...
Mar 27, 2012