
Eye color may indicate risk for serious skin conditions

Eye color may be an indicator of whether a person is high-risk for certain serious skin conditions. A study, led by the University of Colorado School of Medicine, shows people with blue eyes are less likely to have vitiligo. ...


Researchers prevent type 1 diabetes in lab

In new research published in Endocrinology, Thomas Burris, Ph.D., chair of pharmacological and physiological science at Saint Louis University, reports that his team has found a way to prevent type I diabetes in an animal ...


Gut microbe peptide implicated in triggering type 1 diabetes

In type 1 diabetes, the body develops immune cells that target pancreatic beta cells, which play a critical role in the production and secretion of insulin. One of the earliest targets of this immune response is a specific ...


GI tract bacteria may protect against autoimmune disease

Early life exposure to normal bacteria of the GI tract (gut microbes) protects against autoimmune disease in mice, according to research published on-line in the January 17 edition of Science. The study may also have uncovered ...


Scientists identify potential way to prevent type 1 diabetes  

Researchers believe they have identified a way to prevent type 1 diabetes by restoring the immune system's natural balance. The approach may also prove effective for battling other autoimmune diseases such as lupus and eczema, ...


Immune protein could stop diabetes in its tracks

Melbourne researchers have identified an immune protein that has the potential to stop or reverse the development of type 1 diabetes in its early stages, before insulin-producing cells have been destroyed.

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