
Why we look at the puppet, not the ventriloquist

(Medical Xpress)—As ventriloquists have long known, your eyes can sometimes tell your brain where a sound is coming from more convincingly than your ears can.


Breakthrough in deafness and ovarian failure syndrome

(Medical Xpress)—Researchers from Manchester Biomedical Research Centre at Saint Mary's Hospital and the University of Manchester have identified a new gene, which increases our understanding of the rare inherited disorder ...

Medical research

In gerbils, stem cells boost hopes of ending deafness

Scientists working with deaf gerbils said on Wednesday they had found a way of coaxing early stem cells into specialised ear cells that helped the rodents hear sound once more.


Discovering how the brain ages

Researchers at Newcastle University have revealed the mechanism by which neurons, the nerve cells in the brain and other parts of the body, age. The research, published today in Aging Cell, opens up new avenues of understanding ...

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