
Startling these twins could put their hearts at risk

Katie and Lance Cox were watching TV one evening, their infant twins Carter and John asleep nearby, when Katie dropped the remote control. As it clattered across the floor, the couple froze, staring terrified at one another.


Long QT syndrome—revealed

Long QT syndrome is a rare disorder that can lead to dangerous heart rhythms, fainting and sudden cardiac arrest.


Understanding and treating long QT syndrome

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I recently read that long QT syndrome is quite common. What is it, and how is it diagnosed? I have read that fainting may be one sign of the disorder. Can long QT syndrome be treated?


Molecular autopsy IDs causes of sudden arrhythmic death

(HealthDay)—Molecular autopsy for electrical disorder and cardiomyopathy genes identifies a modest but realistic yield in sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS), according to a study published online April 24 in the Journal ...

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