Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Injections may have passed on Alzheimer's 'seeds': study

People injected with hormones extracted from cadaver brains in a long-abandoned procedure may have received "seeds" of Alzheimer's disease, said a study Wednesday, urging research into possible risks for "accidental" medical ...

Medical research

New drug offers hope in fight against mad cow disease

A new drug compound could lead to a breakthrough in the fight against bovine spongiform encephalopathy, the incurable brain-wasting disease also known as mad cow disease, researchers said Wednesday.


Long-term memories are maintained by prion-like proteins

Research from Eric Kandel's lab at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) has uncovered further evidence of a system in the brain that persistently maintains memories for long periods of time. And paradoxically, it works ...

Medical research

A new player in lipid metabolism discovered

(Medical Xpress)—Specially engineered mice that lacked a particular gene did not gain weight when fed a typical high-fat, obesity-inducing Western diet. Yet, these mice ate the same amount as their normal counterparts that ...

Medical research

A wrong molecular turn leads down the path to Type 2 diabetes

Computing resources at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory have helped researchers better grasp how proteins misfold to create the tissue-damaging structures that lead to type 2 diabetes. The ...

Medical research

Prion-like proteins drive several diseases of aging

Two leading neurology researchers have proposed a theory that could unify scientists' thinking about several neurodegenerative diseases and suggest therapeutic strategies to combat them.

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