
US company withdraws ALS drug after it fails in trial

Amylyx Pharmaceuticals announced Thursday it was withdrawing its approved treatment against the deadly neurodegenerative disease ALS after clinical data found no evidence the drug worked.

Radiology & Imaging

World's most powerful MRI scans first images of human brain

The world's most powerful MRI scanner has delivered its first images of human brains, reaching a new level of precision that is hoped will shed more light on our mysterious minds—and the illnesses that haunt them.


New synapse type discovered through spatial proteomics

Researchers have developed a new super-resolution high-throughput imaging method. Using the new technique, the scientists were able to create a 3D neuronal cell atlas with single-molecule resolution and discovered a previously ...


Understanding the role of microglia in Alzheimer's disease

Microglia are specialized immune cells in the brain. While they normally protect our brains, they can also contribute to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's. The exact mechanism behind this contribution is not ...


Scientists identify a key driver of myelin repair

New research from scientists at the Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute at Stanford University has identified a key driver of myelination, the formation of protective fatty sheaths around nerve fibers.

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