
New drug target for Rett syndrome

Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) researchers have identified a faulty signaling pathway that, when corrected, in mice ameliorates the symptoms of Rett syndrome, a devastating neurological condition. The findings could lead ...


Deep brain stimulation overcomes cognitive deficits in Rett mice

Deep brain stimulation – usually used to treat movement disorders – overcomes the learning and memory deficits in mice whose symptoms mimic those of Rett syndrome, a neurological disease usually found in young girls, ...


Discovered a cause of mental retardation and autism

The term intellectual disability covers a large number of clinical entities, some with known cause and others of uncertain origin. For example Down syndrome is due to an extra copy of chromosome 21 and Rett syndrome is in ...


New studies contradict earlier findings on Rett syndrome

Independent reproduction of other scientists' results is a cornerstone of solid research, but scientists are rarely recognized for successfully reproducing published findings, much less for demonstrating that scientific findings ...

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