Psychology & Psychiatry

Effects of sleep deprivation on hard-pressed students

It's not uncommon to hear of undergraduates pulling all-nighters to prepare for exams or finish papers. Even though a number of studies have shown that sleep deprivation is unhealthy and can actually be counterproductive, ...


Sleep deprivation found to trigger initial seizure 

Neurologists studying WA's first-ever seizure database have established that sleep deprivation is more likely to act as a trigger for people having seizures, rather than a provoked cause of epilepsy.

Medical research

Team finds link between sleep and immune function in fruit flies

When we get sick it feels natural to try to hasten our recovery by getting some extra shuteye. Researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania found that this response has a definite purpose, ...


Too little sleep may add to teen health problems

(HealthDay)—Many teens from lower- and middle-income homes get too little sleep, potentially adding to the problems of kids already at risk for health issues, new research finds.

Medical research

New fruitfly sleep gene promotes the need to sleep

All creatures great and small, including fruitflies, need sleep. Researchers have surmised that sleep – in any species—is necessary for repairing proteins, consolidating memories, and removing wastes from cells. But, ...

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