Medical research

The new skinny on leptin

(Medical Xpress)—Leptin—commonly dubbed the "fat hormone"—does more than tell the brain when to eat. A new study by researchers at The University of Akron and Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED) shows that leptin ...

Medical research

Study identifies mechanism that leads to diabetes, blindness

The rare disorder Wolfram syndrome is caused by mutations in a single gene, but its effects on the body are far reaching. The disease leads to diabetes, hearing and vision loss, nerve cell damage that causes motor difficulties, ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

US cases of West Nile virus soaring: CDC

Infections and fatalities from West Nile virus have risen to new record levels in the United States in the first week of September, the Centers for Disease Control said Wednesday.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

West Nile deaths in US mount, one dead in Maryland

The West Nile virus, responsible for more than 60 deaths in the United States so far this year, has now claimed its first victim in the eastern state of Maryland, state health officials said Thursday.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Texas outbreak of West Nile virus prompts aerial spraying

Aircraft have begun spraying pesticide over parts of Dallas, Texas to combat an outbreak of mosquito-borne West Nile Virus blamed for 17 deaths this year, authorities said Friday.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

West Nile virus kills 17 in Texas, sickens hundreds

The US state of Texas is battling an outbreak of the West Nile virus, with 17 deaths being blamed on the mosquito-borne disease, authorities said Wednesday.


FDA approves drug to treat diabetic macular edema

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today announced its approval of Lucentis (ranibizumab injection) for the treatment of diabetic macular edema, or DME, an eye condition in people with diabetes that causes blurred vision, ...

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