
Should I be getting my vitamin D levels checked?

Australia has seen a surge in vitamin D testing of children, with similar trends reported for adults around the world. GPs are now being urged not to test for vitamin D unnecessarily.


Large study shows link between vitamin D and psoriasis severity

More than eight million people in the U.S. experience psoriasis, a condition in which skin cells build up and form itchy dry patches. A person's vitamin D levels could play an important role in psoriasis severity, according ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

GI disease is most common diagnosis for nonmigrant U.S. travelers

Of U.S. travelers with confirmed or probable travel-related diagnoses, the majority are nonmigrant travelers, who most often receive a gastrointestinal disease diagnosis, according to research published in the June 30 issue ...


Study shines light on 'low-value' vitamin D tests

Doctors are ordering unnecessary, costly and invasive blood tests for children to detect vitamin D deficiency, when instead it would be better to take simple preventative steps to ensure children receive supplements of the ...

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