Angewandte Chemie

Angewandte Chemie is a weekly peer-reviewed scientific journal that covers all aspects of chemistry. Its impact factor was 12.730 in 2010, the highest value for a chemistry-specific journal that publishes original research. It is a journal of the German Chemical Society and is published by Wiley-VCH. Besides original research in the form of short communications, the journal contains review-type articles (reviews, minireviews, essays, highlights), and a magazine section (news, obituaries, book reviews, conference reports). Colloquially, the journal is simply called "Angewandte". "Angewandte Chemie" is German for "applied chemistry", although this translation no longer accurately describes the scope of the journal.

John Wiley & Sons Wiley-VCH
1887-present (in German), 1962–present (in English)
Impact factor
12.730 (2010)

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Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Big step in rapid diagnostics for infectious diseases

The speedy, high-tech method of inexpensive, accurate and high-throughput protein biomarker assay testing is being touted as a much-needed development in point-of-care (PoC) testing, say U.S. and Flinders University researchers ...

Oncology & Cancer

How to shut down the power stations of cancer cells

An emerging nanomedicine cancer treatment involving the injection of tiny nanoparticles carrying compounds that can poison cancerous cells has many benefits. This so-called photodynamic therapy (PDT) is non-toxic and it doesn't ...

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