Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health


Public appetite for healthier vending machines

Health conscious Australians are hungry for more nutritious options in fast food vending machines according to new research by the University of Sydney and University of Wollongong.


New Zealand children still suffer rickets from lack of Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency continues to cause rickets in young New Zealanders, new University of Otago research has found. The researchers say that their finding suggests that at-risk mothers and children should be better targeted ...

Attention deficit disorders

Foreign parents resist ADHD treatment for offspring

Children diagnosed with attention deficient hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) whose parents were born in non-Western countries are less likely to be treated with stimulant medication compared with their Western counterparts.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Is Australia prepared for Ebola?

Australia needs to be proactive about potential disease outbreaks like Ebola and establish a national centre for disease control.


Healthy diet set early in life

Promoting a healthy diet from infancy is important to prevent childhood obesity and the onset of chronic disease.

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