Cancer Cell

Oncology & Cancer

New approach to cancer immunotherapy overcomes toxicity hurdle

In an effort to develop more effective cancer treatments, scientists are looking for therapies that supercharge patients' immune systems. One possibility is to use antibodies that activate CD40, an immune-cell protein that, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Cancer hijacks the microbiome to glut itself on glucose

Cancer needs energy to drive its out-of-control growth. It gets energy in the form of glucose, in fact consuming so much glucose that one method for imaging cancer simply looks for areas of extreme glucose consumption—where ...

Oncology & Cancer

Protein analysis uncovers new cancer subtypes for medulloblastoma

Two patients with the same kind of tumor can have very different experiences. One patient's cancer may progress quickly while the other grows slowly. Treatments may shrink tumors or have no effect at all. And some patients ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers unlock secret of deadly brain cancer's 'immortality'

UC San Francisco researchers have discovered how a mutation in a gene regulator called the TERT promoter—the third most common mutation among all human cancers and the most common mutation in the deadly brain cancer glioblastoma—confers ...

Oncology & Cancer

A master switch controls aggressive breast cancer

A team at the Salk Institute has identified a master switch that appears to control the dynamic behavior of tumor cells that makes some aggressive cancers so difficult to treat. The gene Sox10 directly controls the growth ...

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