Child Development

Psychology & Psychiatry

Researchers discuss results of study on vulnerable adolescents

Peer victimization and depressive symptoms, reflecting social and emotional vulnerabilities, tend to peak in early to middle adolescence. Friends play an important role in protecting adolescents from victimization and depressive ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study shows children may consider past choices when judging others

A new study published in the journal Child Development from researchers at Boston College in Massachusetts, U.S. and the University of Queensland in Australia explores whether four- to nine-year-old-children consider past ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How do you define shyness? A new study analyzes shyness in children

What is shyness? Research has shown that shyness is characterized by fear and nervousness in response to social novelty and/or social evaluation. Shyness can manifest on behavioral, affective, and physiological levels, but ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Parental support for LGBTQ youth is important, research shows

Depression is more widespread among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning (LGBTQ) youth than heterosexual, cisgender youth, making parental support more important for these adolescents. A new study released ...

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