Child Development

Psychology & Psychiatry

Peer pressure starts in childhood, not with teens

(Medical Xpress)—Peer group influences affect children much earlier than researchers have suspected, finds a new University of Maryland-led study. The researchers say it provides a wake-up call to parents and educators ...


Multiple moves found harmful to poor young children

Poor children who move three or more times before they turn 5 have more behavior problems than their peers, according to a new study by researchers at Cornell University and the National Employment Law Project. The study ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Teens' struggles with peers forecast long-term adult problems

Teenagers' struggles to connect with their peers in the early adolescent years while not getting swept along by negative peer influences predict their capacity to form strong friendships and avoid serious problems even ten ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

'I don't want to pick!' Preschoolers know when they aren't sure

Children as young as 3 years old know when they are not sure about a decision, and can use that uncertainty to guide decision making, according to new research from the Center for Mind and Brain at the University of California, ...


Differential parenting found to affect whole family

Parents act differently with different children—for example, being more positive with one child and more negative with another. A new longitudinal study has found that this behavior negatively affects not only the child ...


Parents' praise predicts attitudes toward challenge 5 years later

Toddlers whose parents praised their efforts more than they praised them as individuals had a more positive approach to challenges five years later. That's the finding of a new longitudinal study that also found gender differences ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Negative stereotypes about boys hinder their academic achievement

Negative stereotypes about boys may hinder their achievement, while assuring them that girls and boys are equally academic may help them achieve. From a very young age, children think boys are academically inferior to girls, ...

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