Genome Biology

Medical research

Lifetime stress accelerates epigenetic aging

An important risk factor for accelerated aging and age-related diseases is excessive or chronic stress. Scientists at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich have now found how psychological stress, which accumulates ...


Earliest embryonic lethality gene identified

A new study, published in the open access journal Genome Biology, has identified a single gene (TLE6) which, when mutated, is responsible for human embryonic lethality at an earlier stage of development than has ever previously ...

Medical research

Your gut development during infancy can have lifelong implications

The suckling period (infancy) in mice is critical for epigenetic changes (changes that affect the way genes are expressed) in the development of stem cells in the intestine, potentially affecting intestinal health for life. ...


Specific fatty acids may worsen Crohn's disease

Some research has suggested that omega-3 fatty acids, abundant in fish oils, can relieve inflammation in Crohn's disease. But a new study using software developed by Duke scientists hints that we should be paying closer attention ...


Early warning gene signature for Alzheimer's

A 'gene signature' that could be used to predict the onset of diseases, such as Alzheimer's, years in advance has been developed in research published in the open access journal Genome Biology.

Medical research

How do neural cells respond to ischemia?

A group of researchers from the Lomonosov Moscow State University, in collaboration with their Irish colleagues from the University College Cork, has studied the early response of cells to ischemia, which is a restriction ...

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