

Common immune cells found to sometimes prevent intestinal healing

B cells are critical to the proper functioning of the immune system. However, researchers at Karolinska Institutet have shown that they can sometimes do more harm than good, as their numbers greatly increase after bowel damage, ...


Classifying brain microglia: Which are good and which are bad?

Microglia are known to be important to brain function. The immune cells have been found to protect the brain from injury and infection and are critical during brain development, helping circuits wire properly. They also seem ...


How viruses disarm the immune system

How do viruses that cause chronic infections, such as HIV or hepatitis c virus, manage to outsmart their hosts' immune systems?

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Gut microbiome translates stress into sickle cell crises

A new study shows how chronic psychological stress leads to painful vessel-clogging episodes—the most common complication of sickle-cell disease (SCD) and a frequent cause of hospitalizations. The findings, made in mice, ...

Medical research

Examining how infections can have long-term consequences

A team led by Prof Kiavash Movahedi (VUB, VIB) has mapped in detail how the immune system acts against pathogens invading the brain. The findings shed new light on host-pathogen interactions and the long-term consequences ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers find new mechanism to turn on cancer-killing T cells

Over the past decade, researchers have made great strides in the development and administration of cancer immunotherapies, which use the body's own immune system to treat disease. However, the therapies don't work for every ...


A possible cure for allergies

Researchers discovered a mechanism that stops the body reacting with an excessive immune reaction. This could be the basis for a new treatment.

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