Journal of Experimental Medicine


Study identifies new biomarkers for Huntington's disease

Researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine have identified several new biological markers to measure the progression of the inherited neurodegenerative disorder Huntington's disease (HD). Their findings, which ...

Medical research

Identified a key protein in the generation of B lymphocytes

Researchers of the Cellular Differentiation Group at the Epigenetics and Cancer Biology Program at IDIBELL, led by researcher Maribel Parra, have identified a transcriptional repressor, the histone deacetylase HDAC7, involved ...

Oncology & Cancer

Why tumors evade immunotherapy

Immunotherapy is a new and highly promising form of treatment for cancer. In many patients, however, tumors recur after immunotherapy. In the latest issue of the Journal of Experimental Medicine, the members of a research ...

Medical research

EBV-derived microRNAs silence immune alarm signals of the host cell

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) prevents infected cells from being attacked by the immune system. The virus drives production of small molecules, so-called microRNAs, that suppress alarm signals sent out by the infected cell. Scientists ...

Medical research

How gut microbes may trigger type 1 diabetes

Research on the tiny microbes that live in our gut has yielded clues to understanding a growing number of medical conditions. A new Yale-led study explores the link between gut microbes and type 1 diabetes.

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