Journal of Experimental Medicine

Medical research

How bone marrow regenerates after chemotherapy

Chemotherapy has a damaging effect on hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) in bone marrow. However, once chemotherapy ends, HSPCs regenerate, a process that has remained unknown—until now. In a new study, researchers ...

Oncology & Cancer

Drug is promising against pancreatic and breast cancers

ProAgio, a drug developed by Georgia State University biology professor Zhi-Ren Liu and his team, is effective at treating pancreatic cancer and prolonging survival in mice, according to a study published in the journal Cellular ...


Stopping intestinal bacteria in their tracks

The intestine harbors the greatest number of immune cells in our body. Since the intestine is constantly exposed to various antigens like bacteria and food, appropriate induction of gut immune cells plays a pivotal role in ...


When hyperactive proteins trigger illnesses

The immune system can be a mixed blessing: Usually it is highly effective in protecting the human organism against bacteria, viruses and mycosis and even cancer. But these defense cells can also turn against the body's own ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study reveals how certain gut bacteria compromise radiotherapy

A study led by Ludwig Chicago Co-director Ralph Weichselbaum and Yang-Xin Fu of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center has shown how bacteria in the gut can dull the efficacy of radiotherapy, a treatment received ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Malaria tricks the brain's defence system, new study says

Every year, more than 400,000 people die from malaria, the majority are children under the age of five years old, who die from a disease which affects more than 200 million people a year.

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