Journal of Nutrition


Toxin-contaminated fish oil loses anti-cancer benefits

Weighing the health risks and rewards of eating fish and taking fish oil supplements is a tricky task. Fish oil, rich in healthy polyunsaturated fatty acids, can protect against certain types of cancer, but many types of ...


Maternal iodine deficiency can affect child development

A low iodine intake among pregnant women may be associated with poor language development, reduced fine motor skills and behavioural problems when the child is three years old. These are findings from the Norwegian Mother ...


Almonds may help boost cholesterol clean-up crew

Eating almonds on a regular basis may help boost levels of HDL cholesterol while simultaneously improving the way it removes cholesterol from the body, according to researchers. The Almond Board of California supported this ...


Low vitamin D levels if you're lactose intolerant

Those with a genetic intolerance to lactose may suffer from a vitamin D deficiency. That's according to a recent study conducted at the University of Toronto and published in the Journal of Nutrition.


Zinc supply affects cardiac health

In addition to essential metabolic functions, the level of zinc in the body also affects the heart muscle. When oxidative stress occurs, it may be due to a shortage of zinc, which can be determined by examining the heart ...

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