
Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

How did gonorrhea become a drug-resistant superbug?

The bacterium that causes the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea is resistant to multiple standard antibiotics and now threatens to develop resistance against ceftriaxone, which is on the World Health Organization List ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Typhoid outbreak—genetic cause of extensive drug resistance found

The genetic cause behind a strain of typhoid's resistance to five classes of antibiotics has been uncovered by scientists at the Wellcome Sanger Institute and their collaborators at Public Health England and Aga Khan University, ...


HIV exports viral protein in cellular packages

HIV may be able to affect cells it can't directly infect by packaging a key protein within the host's cellular mail and sending it out into the body, according to a new study out of a University of North Carolina Lineberger ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

What makes the bacteria behind Lyme disease tick?

Connecticut residents are all too familiar with Lyme disease, but the precise mechanisms of how humans become infected are still unclear. Researchers from UConn Health are advancing the understanding of how the causative ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Antibiotic-resistant plasmids flourish in hospital plumbing

Antibiotic-resistant organisms can be found in multiple locations in a hospital - on countertops and doorknobs, on computers and in sinks, and even inside the plumbing. To better understand how these organisms spread, investigators ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Research presents new information about the Flint water crisis

Based on a detailed statistical analysis of multiple datasets, the Flint Area Community Health and Environment Partnership (FACHEP) research team found that the majority of Legionnaires' disease cases that occurred during ...

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