Nature Neuroscience


Scientists reveal two paths to autism in the developing brain

Two distinct neurodevelopmental abnormalities that arise just weeks after the start of brain development have been associated with the emergence of autism spectrum disorder, according to a new Yale-led study in which researchers ...


New theory better explains how the brain stores memories

How useful a memory is for future situations determines where it resides in the brain, according to a new theory proposed by researchers at HHMI's Janelia Research Campus and collaborators at UCL.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Antipsychotic drugs work differently than scientists believed

Antipsychotic drugs—used to treat the millions of people in the U.S. with schizophrenia—have lots of unpleasant side effects. The drugs also aren't effective for many people. There is an urgent need to develop better ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The timekeeper within: New discovery on how the brain judges time

From Aristotle's musings on the nature of time to Einstein's theory of relativity, humanity has long pondered: how do we perceive and understand time? The theory of relativity posits that time can stretch and contract, a ...

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