Psychological Bulletin

Medical research

Narcissism linked to aggression in review of 437 studies

A comprehensive analysis of 437 studies from around the world provides the best evidence to date that narcissism is an important risk factor for both aggression and violence, researchers said.

Psychology & Psychiatry

A pursuit of better testing to sort out the complexities of ADHD

The introduction of computer simulation to the identification of symptoms in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has potential to provide an additional objective tool to gauge the presence and severity ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Empathy and perspective taking: How social skills are built

Being able to feel empathy and to take in the other person's perspective – these are two abilities through which we understand what is going on in the other person's mind. Although both terms are in constant circulation, ...

Autism spectrum disorders

People with autism may have large deficits in facial recognition

The ability to recognize faces varies greatly, but individuals with autism spectrum disorders can especially struggle, having huge implications for social interaction. Penn State researchers, for the first time, recently ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

When doing good boosts health, well-being

Performing acts of kindness and helping other people can be good for people's health and well-being, according to research published by the American Psychological Association. But not all good-hearted behavior is equally ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New theory suggests autism may not be tied to mindblindness

Tracking the extent to which other people think differently from yourself appears to be more relevant than understanding someone else's thoughts per se. Neuroscientists at Ghent University and the University of New South ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Experiencing childhood trauma makes body and brain age faster: study

Children who suffer trauma from abuse or violence early in life show biological signs of aging faster than children who have never experienced adversity, according to research published by the American Psychological Association. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

World's biggest study of left-handedness

From Leonardo da Vinci to Oprah Winfrey, and from Napoleon Bonaparte to Jimi Hendrix the talents of left-handers have been celebrated across the generations.

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