Psychological Bulletin

Psychology & Psychiatry

New insights into how the human brain organizes language

A new study has provided the first clear picture of where language processes are located in the brain. The findings may be useful in clinical trials involving language recovery after brain injury.

Psychology & Psychiatry

At which age are we happiest?

An evaluation of over 400 samples shows how subjective well-being develops over the course of a lifespan.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Childhood maltreatment predicts adult emotional difficulties

Have you ever wanted to convey a feeling but just couldn't find the right words? Millions of people struggle with a personality trait known as alexithymia, which means "no words for feelings." Individuals with alexithymia ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Actions speak louder than words when it comes to memory

Whether you're old or young, memory can be a challenge for all kinds of reasons, and most of us would welcome strategies to help improve our memory. Waterloo's researchers in psychology have been helping with this area of ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Redefining alcohol use disorder according to a new framework

Researchers at the University of Missouri have developed a new framework that they believe will help identify people previously overlooked for alcohol use disorder (AUD). This framework focuses on 13 risk factors, such as ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Loneliness among emerging adults increased slightly

Emerging adults today feel lonelier than in the past—and not just since the coronavirus pandemic. This is indicated by an evaluation of studies on the loneliness of emerging adults between 1976 and 2019, conducted by a ...

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