Psychology and Aging

Impact factor
3.118 (2010)

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Psychology & Psychiatry

Why older people struggle to read fine print

(Medical Xpress)—Unique research into eye-movements of young and old people while reading discovers that word recognition patterns change as we grow older

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Is sitting always bad for older adults? A new study says maybe not

It's generally accepted health advice that adults of all ages should sit less, move more, and engage in regular exercise to feel better and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. However, when it comes to the brain and cognition, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Loneliness may be due to increasing aging population

Despite some claims that Americans are in the midst of a "loneliness epidemic," older people today may not be any lonelier than their counterparts from previous generations—there just might be more of them, according to ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Subjective memory may be marker for cognitive decline

New research from the Center for Vital Longevity (CVL) at The University of Texas at Dallas suggests that subjective complaints about poor memory performance, especially in people over 60, could be a useful early marker for ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Me, me, me! How narcissism changes throughout life

For parents worried that their teenager's narcissism is out of control, there's hope. New research from Michigan State University conducted the longest study on narcissism to date, revealing how it changes over time.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Effects of loneliness mimic aging process

The social pain of loneliness produces changes in the body that mimic the aging process and increase the risk of heart disease, reports a recent Cornell study published in Psychology and Aging (27:1). Changes in cardiovascular ...

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