Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology

Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology publishes original scientific research of relevance to animals or humans pertaining to the action of chemicals, drugs, or chemically-defined natural products. Regular articles address mechanistic approaches to physiological, pharmacologic, biochemical, cellular, or molecular understanding of toxicologic/pathologic lesions and to methods used to describe these responses. Safety Science articles address outstanding state-of-the-art preclinical and human translational characterization of drug and chemical safety employing cutting-edge science. Highly significant Regulatory Safety Science articles will also be considered in this category. Papers concerned with alternatives to the use of experimental animals are encouraged. Short articles report on high impact studies of broad interest to readers of TAAP that would benefit from rapid publication. These articles should contain no more than a combined total of four figures and tables. Authors should include in their cover letter the justification for consideration of their manuscript as a short article.

Impact factor
4.447 (2011)

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Medical research

Scientists examine reproductive effects of glyphosate in mice

Exposure to the chemical glyphosate changed the level of some ovarian proteins in mice but did not impact ovarian steroid production, an indication glyphosate may not adversely affect reproduction, according to a new study.


What the brain really thinks about forever chemicals

The human-made chemicals that make our kitchen pans stick-free, our athletic wear water-repellent and firefighting chemicals more efficient do their jobs incredibly well, but it's at the expense of lingering in the body and ...


The phthalate DEHP undermines female fertility in mice

Two studies in mice add to the evidence that the phthalate DEHP, a plasticizing agent used in auto upholstery, baby toys, building materials and many other consumer products, can undermine female reproductive health, in part ...

Medical research

Low-dose radiation impacts skin sensitivity

In experiments where human skin tissue samples were exposed to low doses of ionizing radiation, scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory found that a skin tissue model showed perturbations that suggest its stability ...

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