Trends in Cognitive Sciences


The aging brain benefits from distraction

As you age, you may find it more difficult to focus on certain tasks. But while distractions can be frustrating, they may not be as bad as we think. In a review published November 15 in Trends in Cognitive Sciences, researchers ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Using the outside world to save on brainpower

Every day, we rely on our physical surroundings—friends, gadgets, and even hand gestures—to manage incoming information and retain it. In a Review published August 16 in Trends in Cognitive Sciences, two researchers explain ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Is fiction good for you? How researchers are trying to find out

It's assumed that reading fiction is good for your mental health, but evidence linking Jane Eyre or Anna Karenina to a broadened mind has been mostly anecdotal. In a Review published on July 19 in Trends in Cognitive Sciences, ...


Changing our understanding of consciousness

Measuring and defining consciousness has been an ongoing challenge for neuroscientists, philosophers and psychologists for centuries. The concept of levels of consciousness is mostly theoretical, limiting the abilities of ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Babies don't just look cute, scientists find

What is it about the sight of an infant that makes almost everyone crack a smile? Big eyes, chubby cheeks, and a button nose? An infectious laugh, soft skin, and a captivating smell? While we have long known that babies look ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The power of expectations

Expectations have a lot of power over people as is evidenced by the placebo effect: Patients get pills that have no active ingredient. But the patients are not aware of that. Firmly believing that they are taking an effective ...


How much do we really see?

Glance out the window and then close your eyes. What did you see? Maybe you noticed it's raining and there was a man carrying an umbrella. What color was it? What shape was its handle? Did you catch those details? Probably ...

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