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Medications news


Two groups of neurons linked to feeling full identified—one for before-meal fullness and one for after-meal fullness

A team of biomedical researchers from the U.S. and the U.K. has identified two groups of neurons that take part in the process of feeling full—one before eating and one after. In their study, published in the journal Science, ...


Most kids get antibiotics for pink eye, study shows. Experts say they're usually not needed

Doctors are prescribing antibiotics to most kids and teens who have pink eye, despite guidelines that discourage their use, researchers reported Thursday.


New discovery leads to novel probiotic for eczema

NIAID research has led to the availability of a new over-the-counter topical eczema probiotic. The probiotic is based on the discovery by scientists at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part ...


Centering underrepresented populations in pharmacy research

Underrepresented populations have been historically excluded from clinical trials including women, racial and ethnic minority groups, and pregnant, lactating, pediatric and geriatric populations. While the importance of including ...


Q&A: How future medications could be personalized on a 3D printer

Chocolate-flavored pills for children who hate taking medicine. Several drugs combined into one daily pill for seniors who have trouble remembering to take their medications. Drugs printed at your local pharmacy at personalized ...