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Neuroscience news


Are cardiovascular risk factors linked to migraine?

Having high blood pressure, specifically high diastolic blood pressure, was linked to a slightly higher odds of ever having migraine in female participants, according to a new study published in the July 31, 2024, online ...


How astrocytes and perineuronal nets cooperate to sustain synaptic homeostasis

Synapses are small gaps between neurons through which signals are transmitted. This transmission of signals is what allows neurons to communicate and ultimately produce complex internal processes, such as thoughts and feelings, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How adaptable to psychosocial stress is the teenage brain?

Mental illness often occurs for the first time during puberty and in young adulthood. This is because during adolescent brain development, a pronounced remodeling of cognitive networks takes place.


Study uncovers unique brain plasticity in people born blind

A study led by Georgetown University neuroscientists reveals that the part of the brain that receives and processes visual information in sighted people develops a unique connectivity pattern in people born blind. They say ...


Video: The neuroscience of fencing

To make it to the Olympics, elite athletes spend countless hours preparing not only their bodies—but their brains, as well.


How a mouse's brain bends time

Life has a challenging tempo. Sometimes, it moves faster or slower than we'd like. Nevertheless, we adapt. We pick up the rhythm of conversations. We keep pace with the crowd walking a city sidewalk.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Citizen scientists contribute to motor learning research

A new research study has examined the results from data generated by citizen scientists using a simple web-based motor test. The big data approach provides researchers with a unique way to explore how people correct for motor ...


Poor sleep may increase markers of poor brain health: Study

Getting either too much or too little sleep is associated with changes in the brain that have been shown to increase the risk of stroke and dementia later in life, a recent study finds. The research is published in the Journal ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How a walk in nature restores attention

New research from University of Utah psychology researchers is helping prove what American authors John Muir and Henry David Thoreau tried to teach more than 150 years ago: Time spent in nature is good for the heart and soul.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Passive exposure can speed up learning, new research shows

Learning a new skill takes deliberate practice over time, but passive exposure to the subject matter at hand can help speed up the process, new University of Oregon research in mice suggests.