Girl who got new lungs in Pa. has pneumonia

Girl who got new lungs in Pa. has pneumonia
In this May 30, 2013 file photo provided by the Murnaghan family, Sarah Murnaghan, left, lies in her hospital bed next to her sister Ella on the 100th day of her stay in Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Murnaghan, who got adult lungs after her parents sued to change national transplant rules, is scheduled to have more surgery to repair her diaphragm at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Tuesday, July 2, 2013. That's according to a post on the Facebook page of her mother, Janet Murnaghan. (AP Photo/Murnaghan family, File)

A 10-year-old Pennsylvania girl who had two adult-lung transplants after her parents sued to change national rules regarding organ donations has developed pneumonia in her right lung.

Sarah Murnaghan's mother wrote on her Facebook page Monday that Sunday was "a tough day" but Sarah's condition has stabilized.

Still, Janet Murnaghan calls the infection a large setback for her daughter.

Sarah has been at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia for months with end-stage . The Newtown girl was a top candidate for organs from a child donor but none was available, and a national transplant policy put her at the bottom of the adult list.

Her parents then sued to change the policy. The action spurred a national debate and raised questions among some and medical ethicists.

© 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

Citation: Girl who got new lungs in Pa. has pneumonia (2013, July 8) retrieved 17 July 2024 from
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