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Overweight & Obesity news

Overweight & Obesity

Beyond diet: New study links diesel exhaust to obesity and diabetes

Anyone who has spent time on the internet has seen clickbait ads like "Secrets your doctor doesn't want you to know about weight loss" or "How to lower your metabolism in 24 hours." In these articles, lists of fatty foods ...


The secret to slimming? Special 'skinny genes' double weight loss

The secret to losing weight could all be down to a combination of 14 "skinny genes," a new study has found.

Overweight & Obesity

Electro-acupuncture could help with obesity management

A team of scientists led by Nanyang Technological University Singapore (NTU Singapore) and Hong Kong University (HKU) has found evidence that electro-acupuncture—a form of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatment—could ...


Eli Lilly weight-loss drug copycats dealt blow as shortage ends

Eli Lilly & Co.'s blockbuster weight-loss and diabetes drugs are no longer considered to be in shortage in the US, threatening to upend the many knockoffs that became popular when patients couldn't find the brand-name medicines.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

BMI outside of normal category linked to lower fecundability

For women and men, body mass index (BMI) outside of the normal range is associated with increased time to pregnancy and odds of miscarriage, according to a study published online Sept. 19 in JAMA Network Open.

Overweight & Obesity

Success of meal boxes in treating childhood obesity

Healthy recipes and subsidized meal boxes can go a long way in helping child obesity. These are the findings of a study conducted at the University of Gothenburg. The boxes were approved by the families investigated, and ...

Overweight & Obesity

Boosting purchasing power to lower obesity rates

In January, as one of the first major initiatives of the Academic Vision, the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity will move to UConn from Yale University. The move will allow Rudd faculty to expand their work and build ...

Overweight & Obesity

Note to young men: Fat doesn't pay

Men who are already obese as teenagers could grow up to earn up to 18 percent less than their peers of normal weight. So says Petter Lundborg of Lund University, Paul Nystedt of Jönköping University and Dan-olof Rooth of ...

Overweight & Obesity

Poor body size judgement can lead to increased tolerance of obesity

Size is relative, especially to people who tend to be on the heavy side. Researchers at the Columbia University Medical Center in the US found that seven in every ten obese adults underestimate how much someone weighs. People ...

Overweight & Obesity

Waistlines of US adults continue to increase

The prevalence of abdominal obesity and average waist circumference increased among U.S. adults from 1999 to 2012, according to a study in the September 17 issue of JAMA.

Overweight & Obesity

The public's perception of the obesity epidemic

Obesity has been called a major health crisis and a national epidemic. Health authorities, including prominent spokespeople like Michelle Obama and the Surgeon General, have sounded the alarm, and the media have responded ...

Overweight & Obesity

'Fat shaming' doesn't encourage weight loss

Discrimination against overweight and obese people does not help them to lose weight, finds new UCL research funded by Cancer Research UK.

Overweight & Obesity

Social networking can help people lose weight

Social networking programmes designed to help people lose weight could play a role in the global fight against obesity, according to research.

Overweight & Obesity

Adult obesity in US 'unacceptably high,' report finds

Poor eating and exercise habits have kept obesity rates high in the United States, said a report Thursday that found increases in six states and no decreases across the nation.

Overweight & Obesity

Sugar substitutes not so super sweet after all

The taste of common sugar substitutes is often described as being much more intense than sugar, but participants in a recent study indicated that these non-nutritive sugar substitutes are no sweeter than the real thing, according ...

Overweight & Obesity

Dentists help in fight against obesity, study finds

(Medical Xpress)—The fight against obesity in the United States may have some unexpected allies—dentists. New research by the Yale School of Public Health has found that counties with a higher number of dentists per capita ...

Overweight & Obesity

Childhood trauma could lead to adult obesity

Being subjected to abuse during childhood entails a markedly increased risk of developing obesity as an adult. This is the conclusion of a meta-analysis carried out on previous studies, which included a total of 112,000 participants. ...

Overweight & Obesity

Seatbelt laws encourage obese drivers to buckle up

Obesity is associated with many health risks, including heart disease and diabetes, but University of Illinois researchers have found a possible way to mitigate one often-overlooked risk: not buckling up in the car.

Overweight & Obesity

India asks Pepsi to cut down sugar in sodas

India has asked US soft drinks giant PepsiCo to reduce the sugar content of its sodas as the country battles growing levels of obesity and diabetes.

Overweight & Obesity

Education and dog-friendly neighbourhoods could tackle obesity

A study from the University of Liverpool has recommended investing in dog owner education and facilities as a strategy to target physical inactivity and problems such as obesity in both people and their pets.