Page 6 - Asociacion RUVID

Psychology & Psychiatry

Researcher analyses fatphobia through her experience

Nina Navajas Pertegás, assistant professor and researcher at the UV Department of Social Work and Social Services, has carried out a study on the consequences of fatphobia and the cultural imposition of thinness through ...


Rocker bottom shoes help reduce chronic low back pain

Researchers of the Sports Physiotherapy master's degree at Valencia's CEU Cardenal Herrera university report that unstable rocker shoes improve the strength of back muscles in order to maintain balance and stability when ...


Maintenance mechanism that prevents stem cells aging discovered

A team of researchers at the Molecular Neurobiology Unit of the University of Valencia, led by Professor of Cell Biology Isabel Fariñas, just published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, the results of a research that may ...


Researchers prove the benefits of persimmons for diet

Alba Mir and Ana Domingo, researchers from the Department of Analytical Chemistry of the University of Valencia, under the supervision of professors Miguel de la Guardia and Maria Luisa Cervera, from the same department, ...

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