Page 2 - Buck Institute for Research on Aging


Research in worms provides path to study diabetic complications

Researchers at the Buck Institute have found a sensor for the reactive molecules linked to diabetic complications, providing a pathway to study many of the ravages of a disease that affects 29 million people in the US. The ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

A new therapeutic avenue for Parkinson's disease

Systemic clearing of senescent astrocytes prevents Parkinson's neuropathology and associated symptoms in a mouse model of sporadic disease, the type implicated in 95% of human cases. Publishing in Cell Reports, researchers ...

Medical research

New role for blood-brain barrier in neuron function and damage

While the role of the blood-brain barrier has long been appreciated for its ability to maintain precise control over what molecules can enter the nervous system, very little is known about how the cells that form the barrier ...

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