Page 12 - CNRS

Psychology & Psychiatry

Dominant cultural values influence self-esteem in young people

Regardless of our personal values, we base most of our self-esteem on the fulfilment of the dominant values of our culture, reveals a global survey supervised by Maja Becker, a social psychologist at the CLLE (Laboratoire ...

Medical research

How fiber prevents diabetes and obesity

Scientists have known for the past twenty years that a fiber-rich diet protects the body against obesity and diabetes but the mechanisms involved have so far eluded them. A French-Swedish team including researchers from CNRS, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Carriers of a genetic mutation show increased dependence on tobacco

Scientists at the Institut Pasteur, the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and Pierre and Marie Curie University (UPMC) have recently proven that, in mice, nicotine intake– nicotine is the main addictive ...


Brain shape affects children's learning capacities

The anatomy of the brain affects cognitive control, an essential skill for learning and academic success. This is the result of studies performed by the Laboratoire de Psychologie du Développement et de l'Education de l'Enfant ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Three key literacy skills for primary schools in priority areas

What types of skills do first-year primary school children in education priority areas need most to learn to read? To find out, a team of researchers at CNRS and the universities of Grenoble, Paris Descartes and Aix-Marseille ...

Oncology & Cancer

Cancer treatment: A step towards personalized chronotherapy

Cancer chronotherapy consists in administering treatment at an optimal time. Because the body is governed by precise biological rhythms, the efficacy of anti-cancer drugs can be doubled and their toxicity reduced five-fold ...


Hearing through sight

Cochlear implants allow adults who have become profoundly deaf to recover the ability to understand speech. However, recovery differs between individuals. Activating the visual regions of the brain has proved essential to ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Two forms of Parkinson's disease identified

Why can the symptoms of Parkinson's disease vary so greatly from one patient to another? A consortium of researchers, headed by a team from the Laboratoire CNRS d'Enzymologie et Biochimie Structurales, is well on the way ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Textured images help tactile recognition for the blind

The use of different materials with varied textures improves the recognition of tactile images by young blind people, researchers from the Laboratoire de psychologie et neurocognition (LPNC) (CNRS/Université Pierre Mendès ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New strategy in the fight against TB?

A new approach to combating the tubercle bacillus, the microorganism that kills some 1.5 million people in the world each year, has been developed by a French-British team including scientists from CNRS, Inserm, the Institut ...

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