Page 8 - CNRS

Medical research

Magnetic cellular Legos for the regenerative medicine of the future

By incorporating magnetic nanoparticles in cells and developing a system using miniaturized magnets, researchers at the Laboratoire Matière et Systèmes Complexes (CNRS/Université Paris Diderot) and collaborators have created ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

What the pupils tells us about language

The meaning of a word is enough to trigger a reaction in our pupil: when we read or hear a word with a meaning associated with luminosity ("sun," "shine," etc.), our pupils contract as they would if they were actually exposed ...

Oncology & Cancer

Nanohyperthermia softens tumors to improve treatment

The mechanical resistance of tumors and collateral damage of standard treatments often hinder efforts to defeat cancers. A team of researchers from CNRS, the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM), ...


Optical control of a neuroreceptor alleviates chronic pain

Pain serves as a valuable warning signal, but when it becomes chronic, pain should be considered as a real disease. An international team including research scientists from the CNRS and INSERM1 has identified and controlled ...


Neurons paralyze motor function during REM sleep

During REM sleep, the brain inhibits the motor system, which makes the sleeper completely immobile. CNRS researchers working in the Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon (CNRS/Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1/INSERM/Université ...


Cheese: a matter of love or hate

Until now, the reason why some people hate cheese has been a mystery. Researchers at the Centre de Recherche en Neuroscience de Lyon and the Laboratoire Neuroscience Paris Seine (CNRS/INSERM/UPMC) have just elucidated it. ...

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