Page 3 - Kyoto University


Dirt can modulate the pathology in Alzheimer's disease

Eating well, exercising regularly, and having a satisfying social life are all crucial to staying healthy. Sometimes, however, it can be the tiniest things that make the biggest difference. In this case, those tiny things ...


Using stem cells to regenerate the heart

Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the world. One reason is that unlike other tissues, such as bone and skin, the heart has remarkably poor regenerative capability after an injury such as a heart attack. ...


A drug cocktail stops SARS-CoV-2 infection of stem cells

The COVID-19 vaccine is just one example of the rapid and global effort to stopping the pandemic. Drugs too are being developed. A new study by CiRA researchers shows that the combination of two drugs halts the infection ...


Scientists identify Tox2 as a key regulator of TFH immune cells

Vaccines have been a mainstay in modern medicine since the late 18th Century, but there is evidence that societies have been using them for more than a thousand years. Throughout this time, all vaccines have operated by activating ...


Using visual information to learn voluntary behavior while blind

The visual cortex makes up one of the largest regions of the brain, which is a testament to how much information we receive from our eyes. The primary visual cortex, or V1, is the first stage of processing visual input in ...

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