Page 2 - NASA

Oncology & Cancer

Robots from space lead to one-stop breast cancer diagnosis treatment

We may not be driving flying cars to work yet, but that doesn't mean we don't have a lot to be excited about from technology advances related to the space age. Instead of zipping past traffic jams, International Space Station-derived ...

Oncology & Cancer

Fighting cancer with microgravity research

( —For lab-coated cancer biologists, peering through microscopes at stained tissue samples under fluorescent lights, the International Space Station may be the last thing that comes to mind. But 40 years of microgravity ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study investigates proton radiation effects on cells

( -- A team of researchers at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, Calif., has found radiation from protons could further enhance a process that occurs during ...

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